Bazzalisk's RPG Material

Like A Poppet on a (Pulling) String

Rules for using the Pulling Strings, Locations, and Resources from GURPS Conspiracy X in GURPS Cabal.


Pulling Strings for GURPS Cabal.

A Fallen Age

A full ground-up rewrite of the Exalted system. Covers a variety of elements right now, including mortal combat, social conflict, and infiltration rules. Some rules for Spirits and Sorcery are present, but no Exalted rules yet.

A Fallen Age

A complete rewrite of the Exalted System.

GURPS Exalted

This is a pdf containing all my various ideas for a GURPS conversion of exalted. Feel free to use it, change it, etc ... for personal use.(GURPS is a trademark of Steve Jackson Games).

GURPS Exalted

A conversion of Exalted to GURPS.

Combat 201 with Battlewheel Tutorial

This is a pdf of Kasumi's famous (and excellent) Exalted Combat 201 tutorial together with additional material to demonstrate the use of a Battlewheel (an ingenious device that makes Exalted Combat easier). You can download a Battlewheel further down this page, or at loads of other places on the web.

Combat 201

A stylish pdf version of Kasumi's Combat 201.

Exalted 2e Character Sheets -- New Style

The following character sheets are designed to cover some of the deficiencies found in White-wolf's official Exalted second edition character sheets. They are entirely new designs (though both Voidstate's and Democritus' sheets have served as inspiration). These sheets are designed for use with a battle-wheel and the charm cards linked later on this page, as a result they don't have spaces for charms or current DV and tick tracking on them. They're also less ugly than my old style sheets.

If you want to modify these sheets yourself drop me an email at and I can send you the Adobe Illustrator source files.

These particular sheets are for use with the Social Conflict System found at Fixalted. Versions for use with the standard social combat system are bellow.

Solar Exalted

A general character sheet usefull for creating Solar Exalted PCs and NPCs using the rules in Exalted 2nd Edition and the Social Conflict System.

Terrestrial Exalted

A general character sheet usefull for creating Terrestrial Exalted PCs and NPCs using the rules in Manual of Exalted Power: The Dragon-Blooded and the Social Conflict System.

Sidereal Exalted

A general character sheet usefull for creating Terrestrial Exalted PCs and NPCs using the rules in Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals and the Social Conflict System.

Abyssal Exalted

A general character sheet usefull for creating Terrestrial Exalted PCs and NPCs using the rules in Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals and the Social Conflict System.

The sheets bellow are all designed for use with the unmodified Exalted 2nd Edition rules.

Solar Exalted

A general character sheet usefull for creating Solar Exalted PCs and NPCs using the rules in Exalted 2nd Edition.


A sheet for keeping track of the many extras the average GM needs to keep track of.

Terrestrial Exalted

A general character sheet usefull for creating Terrestrial Exalted PCs and NPCs using the rules in Manual of Exalted Power: The Dragon-Blooded.

Lunar Exalted

A general character sheet usefull for creating Lunar Exalted PCs and NPCs using the rules in Manual of Exalted Power: The Lunars.

Casteless Lunar Exalted

A character sheet usefull for creating Castless Lunar Exalted PCs and NPCs using the rules in Manual of Exalted Power: The Lunars.


A general character sheet usefull for creating Heroic Mortal PCs and NPCs using the rules in Exalted 2nd Edition.

Other play Aids

These play aids are for use during games of Exalted 2nd Edition. The Tracker sheets are intended to be printed out, laminated, and placed on the table in front of each player -- small counters can then be placed upon them to help keep track of frequently changing values.


A Battlewheel for keeping track of ticks during combat.

Solar Tracker

A sheet to be layed flat on the table and used with small token/beads to track changable things like mote pools, essence flare, and willpower.

Terrestrial Tracker

A sheet to be layed flat on the table and used with small token/beads to track changable things like mote pools, essence flare, and willpower.

Sidereal Tracker

A sheet to be layed flat on the table and used with small token/beads to track changable things like mote pools, essence flare, and willpower.

Abyssal Tracker

A sheet to be layed flat on the table and used with small token/beads to track changable things like mote pools, essence flare, and willpower.

Exalted 2e Charm Cards

The Solar charm cards for Exalted 2nd Edition below were designed by Angel Baker and posted on They have previously been hosted by Mike MacMartin, and are hosted here with full permission of the designer and the previous hoster. The Lunar charm cards are my own based upon the design of the Solar ones.

If you want to help with making more charm cards drop me an email at and I can send you the Adobe Illustrator template files.

Democritus has organised a project to produce rather better charm cards on Fixalted. These cards should probably be considered deprecated as a result.

Solar Exalted

Cards (2 per page) listing the Solar charms found in Exalted 2nd Edition.

Lunar Exalted (Strength)

Cards (2 per page) listing the Strength-based Lunar charms found in Manual of Exalted Power: The Lunars.

Lunar Exalted (Perception)

Cards (2 per page) listing the Perception-based Lunar charms found in Manual of Exalted Power: The Lunars.

Exalted 2e Character Sheets -- Old Style

The following character sheets are designed to cover some of the deficiencies found in White-wolf's official Exalted second edition character sheets. They were originally based upon an earlier version of Voidstate's sheet but have since diverged considerably from his sheets.

Solar Exalted

A general character sheet usefull for creating Solar Exalted PCs and NPCs using the rules in Exalted 2nd Edition.

Dragon Blooded

A character sheet for building Terrestrial Exalted using the rules in Manual of Exalted Power: The Dragon-Blooded.

Lunar Exalted

A character sheet for building Lunar Exalted using the rules in Manual of Exalted Power: The Lunars.


A character sheet for building Nonplayer Characters, including spirits, demons, and any types of exalt for which no full design rules have yet been published.

Quick NPCs

A sheet for representing only those stats absolutely necessary to play an NPC in combat and social combat.


A character sheet for building mortals according to the rules published in Exalted Second Edition.

Mass Combat Units

A sheet for representing complementary units in mass combat.

Exalted 2e Flurry Sheets

The following Spreadsheet is designed to autocalculate the results of flurries without any need for dice-rolling. It is available in both OpenOffice Calc and Microsoft Excel format.

Flurry Sheet

Spreadsheets which calculate the results of flurries without dice-rolling.

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